How do I select my underwear?

You can change the color of your subscription every month at anytime in 3 simple steps:


  1. Login to your account.
  2. Scroll down to your subscription box and click “manage”
  3. Select your color and click “save changes”


Here's a visual example:

First, make sure you are logged in. Once logged in click manage


Then, select the style, size and color you want and click on save changes



Congratulations! You selected your underwear.

How to add a one-time add-on to your monthly box:

Add-ons ship with your Subscription Box as a one time order, and are not recurring (they are only charged once.)

1. Login to the account and scroll through the products. Once you find the one you like, click “ONE-TIME ADD”



2. Select the type of product (top or bottoms), style, size and color and click on "Add Once"



3. Our team will reserve the item to go out with your next subscription. You’ll be able to see the one-time add at the bottom of the subscription dashboard.

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